Karachi to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price 2024 (New Rates)

If you’re looking for information about Karachi to Rawalpindi Train Ticket Price 2024, you’ve found the right web page. Here, we will talk about the updated ticket rates for Trains from Karachi to Rawalpindi station.

Rawalpindi to Karachi Train Fare Ticket Price 2024

Following are the current train ticket prices for AC Business Class, AC Sleeper Class, and Economy Class tickets, which travel between Karachi and Rawalpindi;

Train Name AC Bussiness Class Fare AC Sleeper Class Fare Economy Ticket Rates
Hazara Express Train Rs. 8,105 Rs. NA Rs. 3,355
Awam Express Train Rs. 8,105 Rs. NA Rs. 3,355
Khyber Mail Train Rs. 8,105 Rs. 12,505 Rs. 3,355
Pakistan Express Train Rs. 8,105 Rs. NA Rs. 3,405
Rehman Baba Express Rs. 8,605 Rs. NA Rs. 3,405
Green Line Train Rs. 10,955 Rs. 12,005 Rs. 5,005
Tezgam Train Rs. 8,605 Rs. 13,105 Rs. 4,355
Sir Syed Express Rs. NA Rs. NA Rs. NA

For more information, you can call the Pakistan Railway Helpline;

Pak Railway Helpline: 117

For Online Ticket Booking: Click Here

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